Spiritual Direction

“There comes a time for most of us when we discover a deep desire within us to live from the heart what we already know in our heads and do with our hands.”

What is spiritual direction?

Spiritual direction is an intentional relationship whereby a spiritual director comes alongside you to support you in:

  • Paying attention to the presence of God at work in your life
  • Responding more fully to the personally communicating God
  • Growing in intimacy with the Triune God
  • Living out the invitations and calling resulting from that relationship

What happens in a spiritual direction session?

In our spiritual direction sessions, together we will:

  • Pray, and let the Spirit set the direction of our sessions
  • Listen to your story as it unfolds, and discern God’s movement in it
  • Pause in silence, and attend to God’s presence in the moment
  • Listen to God’s encouragement through Scripture

In the process, I may ask clarifying questions, and offer prayerfully what I am noticing. 


What can I expect from spiritual direction?

  • Spiritual direction is not psychotherapy, counseling, mentoring, or coaching. Its emphasis is on the dynamics of your relationship with God, and how you are encountering Him and responding to Him in the midst of real life and the questions that real life asks. 
  • Whether spiritual direction is for a specific season or a regular spiritual practice, its goal is to attune us more keenly to God’s love and presence. 
  • Most commonly, spiritual direction meetings are once a month for about 50-60 minutes, even though its frequency may be flexible. 
  • What is being shared in spiritual direction will be kept in strict confidence.

Where can I get spiritual direction if I am interested in exploring further?

My spiritual direction sessions are virtual. In-person sessions can be arranged if you live in the local area. You may reach me for spiritual direction through the following inquiry form.