Spiritual Formation Groups & Workshops

What is Spiritual Formation?

We all become a certain kind of person, gain a specific character, and that is the outcome of a process of “spiritual formation.” It is a process that happens to everyone. The most despicable as well as the most admirable of persons have had a spiritual formation. Their spirits or hearts have been formed.

A Christ-centered spiritual formation is the lifelong journey of being transformed by the love of God the Father into the likeness of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit for the sake of others.



The spiritual formation offerings here, be they workshops, classes, and groups, are intended to help us identify what has been shaping and forming us, and to intentionally choose, learn, and practice ways (or new ways) to avail ourselves to the formation work of the Triune God in love.


If you are interested in bringing formation workshops and starting formation groups in your community, please feel free to contact me using the interest form below.